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EREF Donor Privacy Policy:
The Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF) respects the privacy of its donors and has put in place a Donor Privacy Policy to honor your rights. EREF collects and uses personal information such as: name, address, phone number and e-mail address when a donor voluntarily provides it to the organization. In addition, EREF keeps a record of each donor’s giving history. This information is kept on file for IRS purposes and is also used by the Director of Development to analyze overall giving patterns in order to make more accurate budget projections. EREF does NOT sell, trade, or share its donor list with any other organization

Gift of cash or appreciated securities can be outright or a multi-year pledge and can be done in several ways:

  • Mail your check (made payable to EREF) to: EREF, 3301 Benson Drive, Suite 101, Raleigh, NC 27609.
  • Make a wire transfer (call 919.861.6876 ext. 104 for details).

In addition, you have the option of selecting the point of impact:

  • scholarships for Master’s level engineering students or for Ph.D environmental scientists;
  • projects that will advance our understanding of the best possible waste management practices;
  • or for the general endowment to be used as the EREF board determines.

Honorariums and Memorials:

In search of a special way to honor a loved one, friend or colleague? Looking for a simple, complementary means for recognizing employee dedication and accomplishment? Consider an EREF honorarium or memorial. Honorariums most often expressed represent the birth or adoption of a child, an anniversary or wedding, a personal milestone, retirement or receipt of a distinguished award. Written recognition is powerfully touching and rewarding. All honorariums and memorials will be recognized in the EREF newsletter.

In-Kind Gift Options:

  • Donate equipment (refuse trucks, compactors, balers, trash carts, lift systems, etc.) to the EREF Equipment Auction, held annually during WasteExpo.
  • Sponsor or participate in the EREF Fall Classic Golf Tournament.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact: Stephanie Hollomon, Senior Director – Administration and Finance – (919) 861-6876 x104, shollomon@erefdn.org.