Investigator: Georgia Institute of Technology
Start Date:
November 2016
Award Amount:
Thus, this project aims to optimize the immobilization of SeVI, and Cl- in the co-disposed concentrated FGD brines and bituminous CFA (BCFA) by S/S. The specific research objectives are to (1) optimize oxyanion immobilization in concentrated FGD brine S/S with BCFA through a combination of chemical reduction and chemical incorporation in cement minerals, (2) evaluate BCFA S/S conditions including temperature, pH, CaO content, temperature, and reactive Al2O3 that promote chemical incorporation of oxyanions and Cl- in the AFm phase, (3) evaluate the stability of immobilized oxyanions and Cl- in short- and long-term leaching tests under varied conditions, and (4) optimize the impact of S/S solid mineralogy on oxyanion and Cl- stabilization over the short- and long-term.