Jie Pan
Yale University, MS
Stearns/SCS Scholar 2013

Integrating E-Waste Recycling Workshops for Resource RecoveryProject
Description (while EREF Scholar):
Inefficient resources utilization is at the core of environmental issues. Sustainable resources management provides solutions to mitigate the negative impact of resources-based growth and address the conflicts between economic development and depletion of natural resources.
During her graduate studies, Jie will focus on production and recycling activities in the electric and electronic equipment sector. She is interested in researching the multiple factors affecting material productivity, the establishment and implementation of resources management policy, development of financial incentives for eco-design and designing efficient collection network for recycling wastes and by-products. By using material flows analysis in selected case studies, Jie aims to understand material flows in production and consumption, improve efficiency of e-waste collection and reduce toxic pollution from unsound recycling practices.
Jie worked for the Ministry of Environment Protection in China from 2009-2010 as a Project Officer overseeing the implementation of a World Bank project to phase out two persistent organic termiticides. By completion, the project triggered a national ban on the pollutants under use and piloted remediation technologies on contaminated industrial sites in China.
In early 2011, Jie relocated to Washington, DC to work as a Junior Professional Associate (JPA) for the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the largest public fund for the environment. There she reviewed project proposals from more than 50 developing countries covering almost all aspects of chemicals pollution reduction and assisted partner UN agencies in developing two e-waste management projects.
Before attending Yale, Jie worked as an international consultant for United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), developing projects to inventory the production, application and emission of 11 persistent organic pollutants under the Stockholm Convention. Jie is now a first year Master of Environment Management (MEM) student at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
Research Publications:
Final Report